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This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (2018/02/26 12:26) is a draft.
Approvals: 0/1

This is an old revision of the document!



Import Projection Parameters
Import projection parameters from a file to image header.
3D Variability Preprocess
Prepare your symmetric particles for variability calculations.
3D Variability Estimation
Calculate the 3D variability within your reconstruction.
3D Clustering from Iteration - SORT3D_DEPTH
Find 3D clusters within your data set by checking reproducible members using a MERIDIEN iteration.
SORT3D_DEPTH Stack Subset
Create virtual subset stack consisting from particles belong to a SORT3_DEPTH cluster.
Local Refinement from Stack
Perform local refinement from the stack with user-provided orientation parameters.

Combine unfiltered halfset volumes, then enhance the power spectrum.


3D Clustering from Stack - SORT3D_DEPTH
Find 3D clusters within your data set by checking reproducible members using a stack with user-provided orientation parameters.
Final 3D Reconstruction Only
Do only final 3D reconstruction using a fully finished 3D refinement iteration.


Display Data
Displays images, volumes, or 1D plots.
Adaptive 3D Mask
Generates a soft-edged mask for a given volume.
Binary 3D Mask
Generates a hard mask for a given volume.
Angular Distribution
Creates a .bild file to display the particle orientation distribution in Chimera.
PostRefiner (Single Volumes)
Combine unfiltered halfset volumes, then enhance the power spectrum.
pipeline/sort3d/start.1519644367.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/06/20 13:13 (external edit)