Local Resolution: Compute local resolution of a map.
Usage in command line
sp_locres.py firstvolume secondvolume maskfile directory --prefix=PREFIX --wn=WINDOW_SIZE --step=SHELL_STEP_SIZE --cutoff=RES_CRITERION --radius=RADIUS --fsc=OUTPUT_FILE_PATH --res_overall=RESOLUTION --out_ang_res=OUTPUT_FILE_PATH --apix=PIXEL_SIZE --MPI
sp_locres exists in for both MPI and non-MPI versions.
mpirun -np 32 sp_locres.py 'refinementdir/main002/vol0.hdf' 'refinementdir/main002/vol2.hdf locres.hdf' --cutoff=0.5 --radius=28 --res_overall=0.3 --fsc='fscvol.txt' --MPI
Local resolution values are computed within small windowed areas (size wn3). Due to small window size the values are inaccurate and tend to underestimate resolution. Therefore, the option --res_overall allows to calibrate the average value of all local resolutions to the overall resolution, as estimated by the FSC between half-maps. This value has to be independently obtained by the user. Command sp_imgstat.py computes (masked) FSC from half-maps and one can read the absolute frequency corresponding to 0.5 (or other) cut-off threshold.
Pawel A. Penczek
sp_meridien, sp_process, and sp_filterlocal.
Stable:: Has been evaluated and tested. Please let us know if there are any bugs.
There are no known bugs so far.