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The most recent version of this page is a draft.DiffThis version (2020/03/12 16:56) is a draft.
Approvals: 0/1
The Previously approved version (2019/09/14 10:18) is available.Diff

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To visualize your results you can use the box manager:

Now press File → Open image folder and the select the full_data directory. The first image should pop up. Then you import the box files with File → Import box files and select in the boxfiles folder the EMAN directory (or EMAN_HELIX_SEGMENTED in case of filaments).

The following does not yet work for filaments.

CrYOLO writes cbox files in a separate CBOX folder. You can import these into the box manager which enables a slider in the GUI that allows you to change the confidence threshold and see the results in a live preview. You can then write the new box selection into a new box file.

This example shows how to filter particle boxes using the crYOLO boxmanager. It is an animated GIF. Click on it to see it playing.
pipeline/window/cryolo/visualize.1584028580.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/12 16:56 by twagner