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Select the action prediction and fill all arguments in the “Required arguments” tab:

In crYOLO, all particles have a assigned confidence value. By default, all particle with confidence value below 0.3 are discarded. If you want to pick less conservatively or more conservatively you might want to change this confidence threshold to a less conservative value like 0.2 or more conservative value like 0.4 in the “Optional arguments” tab. However, it is much easier to select the best threshold after picking using the CBOX files written by crYOLO as described in the next section.

Press the the Start button to run the prediction. You will find the picked particles in your specified output directory.

Run prediction from the command line

Run prediction from the command line

To pick all your images in the directory full_data with the model weights file cryolo_model.h5 (e.g. or gmodel_phosnet_X_Y.h5 when using the general model) and and a confidence threshold of 0.3 run:: -c config.json -w cryolo_model.h5 -i full_data/ -g 0 -o boxfiles/ -t 0.3

You will find the picked particles in the directory boxfiles.

pipeline/window/cryolo/picking.1568706822.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/17 09:53 by twagner