PDB File Conversion: Converts an atomic model stored in a PDB file into a simulated electron density map. The coordinates (0,0,0) in PDB space will map to the center of the volume.
Usage in command line
sp_pdb2em.py input_pdb output_hdf --apix=PIXEL_SIZE --box=BOX_SIZE --het --chains=CHAIN_STRING --center=CENTERING_METHOD --O --tr0=MATRIX_FILE_PATH --set_apix_value=PIXEL_SIZE_STRING --quiet
sp_pdb2em does not support MPI.
sp_pdb2em.py tRNA.pdb tRNA.hdf --apix=2.26 --box=150 --center=c --O --quiet --tr0=<'filename'> --het
The program uses tri-linear interpolation. Electron densities are taken to be equal to atomic masses.
Pawel A. Penczek
Stable:: Has been evaluated and tested. Please let us know if there are any bugs.
There are no known bugs so far.