Generic 3D image processing program: The main tasks are: (1) Convert volumes from one format to another, (2) Perform basic image processing operations such as filters, masks, normalization, and etc., (3) Resize/rescale volumes, and (4) Compute FSC curves, structure factors, etc.
Usage in command line input_volume output_file --medianshrink=n --meanshrink=n --meanshrinkbig=n --scale=n --sym=SYM --averager=AVERAGER --clip='x[,y,z[,xc,yc,zc]]' --fftclip='x,y,z' --process='processor_name:param1=value1:param2=value2' --apix=APIX --origin='x,y,z' --mult=f --multfile=MULTFILE --matchto=MATCHTO --outmode=OUTMODE --outnorescale --add=f --addfile=ADDFILE --calcfsc=VOL2_FILE --calcsf=OUTPUT_FILE --calcradial=CALCRADIAL --setsf=INPUT_FILE --tophalf --inputto1 --icos5fhalfmap --outtype=IMAGE_TYPE --first=n --trans='dx,dy,dz' --resetxf --align='aligner_name:param1=value1:param2=value2' --ralignzphi=RALIGNZPHI --alignref=REF_FILE --alignctod=ALIGNCTOD --rot='az,alt,phi' --icos5to2 --icos2to5 --last=n --swap --average --append --ppid=PPID --unstacking --tomoprep --verbose=n --step=STEP
e2proc3d does not support MPI.
e2proc3d is generic 3D image processing and file format conversion program. All EMAN2 recognized file formats accepted (see Wiki for list).
To create a new image, rather than reading from a file, specify ':<nx>:<ny>:<nz>:<value>' as an input filename.
For specific details on various options, use ' –help'.
1. Convert MRC format to HDF format. test.mrc test.hdf
2. Apply a 10 A low-pass filter to a volume and write output to a new file. threed.hdf threed.filt.hdf --process=filter.lowpass.gauss:cutoff_freq=0.1
3. Extract a reconstruction from a refinement directory as an HDF file usable with Chimera. bdb:refine_02#threed_filt_04 map_02_04.hdf
4. Create a new 64x64x64 volume, initialize it as 1, then apply a hard spherical mask to 0. :64:64:64:1 myvol.hdf --process
' processors -v 2' for a detailed list of available procesors.
Type of output file depends on the option settings.
This program operates on single 3D volume files, stacks of 3-D volume files, and EMAN2 bdb databases. It has many command-line options for specific tasks. The generic '–process' option is by far the most powerful, offering access to 180+ different image processing operations. For a list, type
' processors -v 2' for a detailed list of available processors.
EMAN2 Group
Category 1:: UTILITIES Category 1:: APPLICATIONS
No Bugs known so far.