3D Refinement: Performs 3D structure refinement using a quasi-Maximum Likelihood approach.
Usage in command line
sp_meridien.py stack output_directory initial_volume --do_final=MERIDIEN_ITERATION_ID --local_refinement --radius=particle_radius --mask3D=MASK3D --symmetry=SYMMETRY --inires=INITIAL_RESOLUTION --delta=DELTA --xr=XR --ts=TS --initialshifts --skip_prealignment --memory_per_node=MEMORY_PER_NODE --center_method=CENTER_METHOD --target_radius=TARGET_RADIUS --an=ANGULAR_NEIGHBORHOOD --shake=SHAKE --small_memory --ccfpercentage=CCFPERCENTAGE --nonorm --function=USER_FUNCTION --function_ai=USER_FUNCTION_AI --group_by=GROUP_BY --theta_min=THETA_MIN --theta_max=THETA_MAX --even_angle_method=EVEN_ANGLE_METHOD --group_id=GROUP_ID --filament_width=FILAMENT_WIDTH --helical_rise=HELICAL_RISE --a_criterion=A_CRITERION --limit_improvement=LIMIT_IMPROVEMENT --plot_ang_dist=PLOT_ANG_DIST --main000=MAIN000 --voldir=reconstruction_directory
sp_meridien exists only in MPI version (Running MPI version does not require –MPI flag).
There are five ways to run the program:
1. Standard default run:
The standard refinement starts from exhaustive searches, uses initial reference structure
mpirun -np 64 --hostfile four_nodes.txt sp_meridien.py bdb:sparx_stack vton1 mask15.hdf --sym=c5 --initialshifts --radius=120 --mask3D=mask15.hdf >1ovotn &
2. Restart after the last fully finished iteration:
One can change some parameters (MPI settings have to be the same)
mpirun -np 64 --hostfile four_nodes.txt sp_meridien.py vton1 --radius=100 >2ovotn &
3. Local refinement:
Local refinement starts from user-provided orientation parameters, delta has to be ⇐ 3.75
mpirun -np 64 --hostfile four_nodes.txt sp_meridien.py --local_refinement bdb:sparx_stack vton3 --delta=1.875 --xr=2.0 --inires=5.5 --sym=c5 --radius=120 --mask3D=mask15.hdf >5ovotn &
4. Restart of local refinement after the last fully finished iteration.:
One can change some parameters (MPI settings have to be the same)
mpirun -np 64 --hostfile four_nodes.txt sp_meridien.py --local_refinement vton3 --xr=0.6 >6ovotn &
5. Final reconstruction only:
Do only final reconstruction using a fully finished iteration of meridien (here number 21).
mpirun -np 64 sp_meridien.py --do_final=21 meridien_outdir
Markus Stabrin Pawel A. Penczek
References to relevant other routines.
Alpha:: Fully developed.
Glitches possible.