3D classification : Apply relion 3D classficaton using SPHIRE GUI.
Usage in command line
sp_relion_3dclassifi.py post_refine_folder output_folder reference_map --reference_mask --abs_greyscale_map --ini_high --sym --do_ctf --ctf_corr_ref --ctf_ignore_peak --no_of_class --tau_val --no_of_iter --use_fast_sets --mask_diam --mask_zeros --limit_resol_estep --skip_img_align --heal_pix_order --off_range --off_step --ang_search --ang_search_range --ang_search_relax_sym --coarse_sampling --para_io --no_of_pool_part --skip_pad --skip_grid --pre_read_img --scratch_dir --combine_iter_disc --use_gpu --which_gpu --submission_template --submission_command --relion_mpirun_executable --relion_3dclassification_executable --mpi_procs --no_of_threads --mrc_reloc_folder --helical_recons --inner_diam --outer_diam --sig_tilt --sig_psi --sig_rot --sigma_dist --keep_tilt_fix --apply_helical_sym --unique_asym_unit --initial_twist --initial_rise --z_percent --do_local_search --twist_min --twist_max --twist_inistep --rise_min --rise_max --rise_inistep
sp_relion_3dclassifi exists in both MPI and non-MPI versions (Running MPI version does not require –MPI flag).
The purpose of sp_relion_3dclassifi.py is to :
: Apply 3D classification from relion using the SPHIRE GUI. : The SPHIRE module provides a wrapper around the 3d classification command. : After running the 3d classification routine, the wrapper automatically converts the star file so that it can be used directly for further processing. (still in test phase).
To run it properly on cluster. Do the following task before running in case if you are running from MPI dortmund. These settings can be different if you are using it outside.
module unload sphire (unload the module sphire) module load sphire/clem/Polishing_SPHIRE_v1.2 or sphire/clr/Polishing_SPHIRE_v1.2 (this has to be done only in case if you have a different installation then the default one, since this tool is still not released, the git branch is different). module load relion
Then go to the directory where you have all the data folders. Like Meridien , Post Refiner, ISAC etc etc.
It is recommended to start SPHIRE in the folder structure where all the output folders are present e.g Post refinenment output folder, motioncorr output folder , ISAC substack output folder.
Apply relion 3D classification using SPHIRE GUI.
Adnan Ali
Beta:: Under evaluation and testing. Please let us know if there are any bugs.