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How to use SPHIRE's Cinderella for micrograph selection

This tutorial describes how to use Cinderella to sort micrographs. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a pretrained model yet. Therefore the first step is to train a model (see section Training) and to apply a model (see section Classify)

Download & Install

You can find the download and installation instructions here: Download and Installation


If you would like to train Cinderella with your own classes, you can easily do it. First you have to separate your good and bad classes into separate files. Create two folders, on containing good classes (e.g GOOD_CLASSES/) and one contain bad classes (e.g BAD_CLASSES/). Both folders can contain multiple .hdf / .mrcs files.

Then specify the paths into a config file like this:

	"model": {
		"input_size": [512,512]
	"train": {
		"batch_size": 6,
		"good_path": "GOOD_MICS/",
		"bad_path": "BAD_MICS/",
		"pretrained_weights": "",
		"saved_weights_name": "my_model.h5",
		"learning_rate": 1e-4,
		"nb_epoch": 100,
		"nb_early_stop": 15

The fields have the following meaning:

  • input_size: This is the image size to which each class is resized to.
  • batch_size: How many classes are in one mini-batch. If you have memory problems, you can try to reduce this value.
  • good_path: Path to folder with good micrographs.
  • bad_path: Path to folder with bad micrographs.
  • pretrained_weights: Path to weights that are used to initialize the network. It can be empty. As Cinderella is using the same network architecture as crYOLO, we are typically using the general network of crYOLO as pretrained weights.
  • saved_weights_name: Final model filename
  • learning_rate: Learning rate, should not be changed.
  • nb_epoch: Maximum number of epochs to train. However, it will stop earlier (see nb_early_stop).
  • nb_early_stop: If the validation loss did not improve “nb_early_stop”x in a row, the training will stop automatically.

The next step is to run the training: -c example_config.json --gpu 1

This will train a classification network on the GPU with ID=1. After the training finishes, you get a my_model.h5 file. This can then be used to predict good / bad classes.


cinderella_micrographs.1575964699.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/10 08:58 by twagner