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cryolo_filament_import_relion [2020/04/15 10:09]
cryolo_filament_import_relion [2020/04/16 08:45]
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 4. Now we import the corresponding MRC files. Select the //Import// action again. Under //Node type//, enter //2D micrographs/tomogram//. Under //input files//, point to your mrc files in the ''micrographs'' directory, where the running number is replaced by a *. Press //Run!// {{ ::02.png?500 |}}  4. Now we import the corresponding MRC files. Select the //Import// action again. Under //Node type//, enter //2D micrographs/tomogram//. Under //input files//, point to your mrc files in the ''micrographs'' directory, where the running number is replaced by a *. Press //Run!// {{ ::02.png?500 |}} 
-5. Now we will extract the particles. Select the //Particle extraction// action. For 'micrograph STAR file', select the // file (//Note: Use the file from your CTF estimation. It provides necessary information for further processing.//)and for //Input coordinates// select // {{ ::03.png?500 |}}+5. Now we will extract the particles. Select the //Particle extraction// action. For 'micrograph STAR file', select the // file, and for //Input coordinates// select // <note important> 
 + Use the file from your CTF estimation. It provides necessary information for further processing. 
 +Alternativelyyou can set your pixelsize manually in the I/O tab of the particle extraction job. 
 +</note> {{ ::03.png?500 |}}
 6. Go to the extract tab and set your Particle box size. 6. Go to the extract tab and set your Particle box size.
cryolo_filament_import_relion.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/16 08:45 by twagner