Table of Contents

crYOLO reference example

Here we provide quick run through example for training and picking with crYOLO. The main purpose is to check if your setup is running as expected. I will not provide detailed explanations in this text. Please note that there is a detailed tutorial.

Reference setup

We run this example on a machine with the following specification:

Download reference data and getting started

You can download the reference data (TcdA1) here:

Link to reference data

Then unzip the data:

unzip -d toxin_reference/
cd toxin_reference

The toxin_reference directory contains multiple folders / files:

Before you start training / picking please activate your environment:

source activate cryolo


The training is done with this command: -c config_phosnet.json -w 5 -e 5 -g 0

crYOLO needs 5 minutes 50 seconds to converge (5 warmup + 10 “normal” epochs). The best validation loss was 0.03042. These numbers might be a little bit different on your case.

Prediction -c config_phosnet.json -w model.h5 -i unseen_examples/ -o my_results

It picked 1617 particles on 12 micrographs in 3 seconds. Including filtering the image and loading the model the command needed 38 seconds.

Visualize results -i unseen_examples/ -b my_results/CBOX/