~~NOTOC~~ ===== sp_separate_class ===== Separate Into Classes : Separates stacks of particle images into stacks for each class. \\ ===== Usage ===== Usage in command line: sp_separate_class.py input_class_avgs input_image_stack output_directory --align_isac_dir=isac_dir --filtrad=filter_radius --apix=pixel_size --shrink=shrink_factor --nvec=number_of_eigenimages --ctf --verbose \\ ===== Typical usage ===== The purpose of sp_separate_class.py is to: : write particle-membership lists for each class : write separate stacks for each class, : optionally low-pass filter and/or downsample the images, and : optionally compute eigenimages (basis images) for each class \\ __1. Standard usage: create separate stacks for each class__: sp_separate_class.py input_class_avgs input_image_stack output_directory \\ __2. Apply a low-pass filter to the image stacks__: sp_separate_class.py input_class_avgs input_image_stack output_directory --filt=filter_radius --apix=pixel_size Filter radius is in units of Angstroms. If apix parameter is not specified, program will assume units of pixels^-1. \\ __3. Downsample output image stack__: sp_separate_class.py input_class_avgs input_image_stack output_directory --shrink=shrink_factor \\ __4. Apply ISAC alignments to particles__: sp_separate_class.py input_class_avgs input_image_stack output_directory --align_isac_dir=isac_directory If the input class averages are ordered_class_averages.hdf, the alignments applied to the ordered class averages will be applied to the particles. \\ __5. Compute eigenimages (basis images) for each class__: sp_separate_class.py input_class_avgs input_image_stack output_directory --align_isac_dir=isac_directory --nvec=number_of_eigenimages The additional output, stkeigen.hdf, will contain the average, variance, and the requested number of eigenimages. \\ ===== Input ===== === Main Parameters === ; input_class_avgs : Set of 2D class averages, with particle-membership information in header. (default required string)[{{ :pipeline:utilities:class084.png?400|Filtered, aligned particles of TcdA1 corresponding to class #9 below}}] ; input_image_stack : Particle image stack. (default required string) ; output_directory : Directory where outputs will be written. (default required string) ; %%--%%filtrad : Gaussian low-pass filter radius, Angstroms if apix specified below, else pixels^-1. (default None) ; %%--%%apix : Angstroms per pixel, might be downsampled already by ISAC2. (default None) ; %%--%%shrink : Downsampling factor, e.g., 6 -> 1/6 original size. (default None) ; %%--%%align_isac_dir : If applying alignments, directory for ISAC output (default None) ; %%--%%nvec : Number of eigenimages to compute. (default None) ; %%--%%ctf : Applies CTF correction. (default False) ; %%--%%verbose : Writes additional messages to the terminal during execution. (default False) \\ === Advanced Parameters === ; %%--%%format : Format of optional output aligned-imaged stacks. (default .mrcs) ; %%--%%debug : Writes additional diagnostics for debugging. (default False) \\ ===== Output ===== ; classmap.txt : Class-to-particle lookup table, one file for all classes[{{ :pipeline:utilities:ave_eig75-84.png?400|For each class (from left to right): average, variance, and first 5 eigenimages}}] ; docclass???.txt : List of particles for each class, one file per class ; bdb:stkclass_??? : Virtual stacks of particles for each class ; bdb:stkflt_??? : (Optional) Virtual stacks of filtered particles for each class ; params_???.txt : (Optional) Particle alignment parameters, one file per class ; stkavgvar.hdf : (Optional) Montage of class averages and variances ; stkeigen.hdf : (Optional) Montage of class averages, variances, and eigenimages \\ ===== Description ===== \\ ==== Method ==== \\ ==== Reference ==== \\ ==== Developer Notes ==== : Should allow filter types other than Gaussian low-pass \\ ==== Author / Maintainer ==== Tapu Shaikh \\ ==== Keywords ==== Category 1:: APPLICATIONS \\ ==== Files ==== sphire/bin/sp_separate_class.py \\ ==== See also ==== \\ ==== Maturity ==== Beta:: Under evaluation and testing. Please let us know if there are any bugs. \\ ==== Bugs ==== There are no known bugs so far. \\