~~NOTOC~~ ===== sp_signalsubtract projsubtract ===== Project and Subtract : Compute re-projections of map to be subtracted, and subtract them from the original images. \\ ===== Usage ===== Usage in command line sp_signalsubtract.py projsubtract --origparts=particle_stack --map2subtract=map_to_subtract --projparams=projection_parameters --outdir=output_subtraction_directory --nmontage=number_of_examples --inmem --saveprojs --stats --nonorm --verbosity=verbosity_level \\ ===== Typical usage ===== sp_signalsubtract exists in both MPI and non-MPI versions (Running MPI version does not require --MPI flag). sp_signalsubtract comprises the steps needed to subtract masked regions from a map in order to focus on the remaining features from that map. There are six steps for this process (five within SPHIRE): \\ __1. [[avgfilt|Average and low-pass filter a map for segmentation]] __ \\ __2. Locate regions to be subtracted __ \\ __3. [[sp_mask|Mask a soft mask of the region to be excluded]] __ \\ __4. [[projsubtract|Compute re-projections of map to be subtracted, and subtract them from the original images]] __: mpirun -np 16 sp_signalsubtract.py projsubtract --origparts=particle_stack --map2subtract=map_to_subtract --projparams=projection_parameters --outdir=output_subtraction_directory --nmontage=number_of_examples --inmem --saveprojs The flag "--nmontage=number_of_examples" will write examples of original/projection/subtracted images. The flag "--inmem" will store the projection images in memory. By default, the projections will be written to disk continuously. Storing them in memory will be about 5 to 10% faster, but may require MUCH more memory. A memory estimate will be displayed in the output. By the default, the intermediate projections will be deleted after subtraction. To save them, use the "--saveprojs" flag. \\ __5. [[pipeline:meridien:sxmeridien|Compute reconstruction of density remaining after signal-subtraction]] __: sp_meridien.py bdb:output_subtraction_directory#all_subtracted meridien_directory --do_final=iteration_number --voldir=output_subtraction_directory This step will compute a reoncstruction using Meridien, i.e., with "smear" information. The iteration number, for the refinement in "meridien_directory", is specified by the flag "--do_final". Note: If the "--voldir" flag is not specified, the resulting reconstructions will be written to the Meridien directory, which may overwrite existing files. [{{ :pipeline:subtract:testmontage.png?600 |Example when using the optional flag "--nmontage", and low-pass filtered. At the left is a raw image. In the middle is a projection. At the right is the difference image. If there is a high-contrast feature in the difference image, something went wrong: probably a map with an incorrect intensity range was used.}}] \\ __6. [[centershift|Center map of the remaining density]] __ \\ ===== Input ===== === Main Parameters === ; %%--%%origparts : Original particle stack before signal subtraction. (default required string) ; %%--%%map2subtract : Map whose projections will be subtracted from the original images. (default required string) ; %%--%%projparams : Angles and shifts, from Meridien. (default required string) ; %%--%%outdir : Directory where outputs will be written. (default required string) \\ === Advanced Parameters === ; %%--%%verbosity : Controls how much information will be written to the screen. (default 2) ; %%--%%nmontage : This number of original, projections, and subtracted images will be written to disk. (default 0) ; %%--%%inmem : Flag to store projections in memory. (default False) ; %%--%%saveprojs : Flag to save intermediate projections. (default False) ; %%--%%stats : Flag to save normalization statistics. (default False) ; %%--%%nonorm : Flag to skip normalization. (default False) \\ ===== Output ===== ; docnormstats.txt : Normalization statistics ; all_subtracted : Combined BDB stack of signal-subtracted images ; stktestmontage.hdf : Montage of test images \\ ===== Description ===== \\ ==== Method ==== \\ ==== Reference ==== Bai XC, Yan C, Yang G, Lu P, Ma D, Sun L, Zhou R, Scheres SHW, Shi Y. (2015) "An atomic structure of human γ-secretase." //Nature// **525**: 212-217. doi: 10.1038/nature14892. \\ ==== Developer Notes ==== \\ ==== Author / Maintainer ==== Tapu Shaikh Based on a protocol developed by Zhong Huang and Pawel Penczek \\ ==== Keywords ==== Category 1:: APPLICATIONS \\ ==== Files ==== sphire/bin/sp_signalsubtract.py \\ ==== See also ==== \\ ==== Maturity ==== Beta:: Under evaluation and testing. Please let us know if there are any bugs. \\ ==== Bugs ==== \\