~~NOTOC~~ ===== sp_gui_unblur ===== Drift Assessment: Assess micrographs based on drift estimation produced by [[http://grigoriefflab.janelia.org/unblur|Unblur]]. \\ ===== Usage ===== Usage in command line sp_gui_unblur.py inputfile input_shift_list_file \\ ===== Typical usage ===== sp_gui_unblur does not support MPI. This GUI tool can be run as a stand-alone program or from the SPHIRE GUI. sp_gui_unblur.py sp_gui_unblur.py 'example-*_shift.txt' sp_gui_unblur.py 'example-list' sp_gui_unblur.py 'example-*_shift.txt' 'example-list' \\ ===== Input ===== === Main Parameters === ; inputfile : Shift files: A wild card (*) can be used to process multiple shift files. (default none) ; input_shift_list_file : Input shift list file: Extension of input shift list file must be '.txt'. If this is not provided, all files matched with the micrograph name pattern will be processed. (default none) \\ === Advanced Parameters === \\ ===== Output ===== \\ ===== Description ===== \\ ==== Method ==== \\ ==== Reference ==== \\ ==== Developer Notes ==== === 2016/12/16 Markus Stabrin === We are preparing a detailed descriptions of the usage and features of this tool. \\ ==== Author / Maintainer ==== Markus Stabrin \\ ==== Keywords ==== Category 1:: APPLICATIONS \\ ==== Files ==== sparx/bin/sp_gui_unblur.py \\ ==== See also ==== [[pipeline:movie:sxunblur|sp_unblur]] and [[http://grigoriefflab.janelia.org/unblur|Unblur & Summovie]]. \\ ==== Maturity ==== Alpha:: Under development. Please let us know if there are any bugs. \\ ==== Bugs ==== There are no known bugs so far. \\