===== ISAC ===== === Commands == ; [[sxisac2|ISAC2 2D Clustering]] : Iterative Stable Alignment and Clustering (ISAC). ; [[:gpu_isac|GPU ISAC2]] : GPU-accelerated version of ISAC2 to run on single machines. ; [[sxcompute_isac_avg|Beautifier]] : Generation of class averages in full pixel size and adjust the power spectrum by user-specified method. ; [[sxpipe_isac_substack|ISAC2 Stack Subset]] : Create virtual subset stack consisting from ISAC2 accounted particles. \\ === Utilities === ; [[pipeline:utilities:e2bdb|Create Virtual Stack]] : insert the new link too ; [[pipeline:utilities:sp_separate_class|Separate Into Classes]] : Separates stacks of particle images into stacks for each class. ; [[pipeline:utilities:e2display|Display Data]] : Displays images, volumes, or 1D plots. ; [[pipeline:utilities:sp_batch|Batch Pipeline Execution]] : Run jobs that wait with the execution on each other