===== WINDOW ===== === Commands === ; [[sp_cryolo_predict|crYOLO - predict]] : Prediction with crYOLO, a deep learning high accuracy particle picking procedure ; [[sxwindow|Particle Extraction]] : Extract particle images from micrographs using particle coordinates files. ; [[pipeline:utilities:e2bdb|Particle Stack]] : Combine BDB image stacks of individual micrographs to a single virtual stack of all particles. \\ === Alternatives === ; [[e2boxer_old|Particle Coordinates]] : Generate particle coordinates files using e2boxer_old particle picker. ; [[e2boxer|Particle Coordinates (NEW)]] : Generate particle coordinates files using new version of e2boxer particle picker. ; [[pipeline:utilities:sxpipe_restacking|Restacking]] : Generates the information necessary to create a new stack from an exiting one. ; [[sxrewindow|Particle reextraction]] : Rewindows particles based on rebox files. ; [[sp_cryolo_train|crYOLO - training]] : Training of crYOLO, a deep learning high accuracy particle picking procedure \\ === Utilities === ; [[pipeline:utilities:e2display|Display Data]] : Displays images, volumes, or 1D plots. ; [[pipeline:utilities:sxpipe_organize_micrographs|Organize Micrographs/Movies]] : Move selected micrographs/movies from source to destination directory. ; [[sp_cryolo_boxmanager|crYOLO - boxmanager]] : Displays boxfiles on images. Allows creation of new training data for crYOLO ; [[pipeline:utilities:sp_batch|Batch Pipeline Execution]] : Run jobs that wait with the execution on each other