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The most recent version of this page is a draft.DiffThis version (2019/09/14 10:18) was approved by twagner.

This is an old revision of the document!

To visualize your results you can use the box manager:

Now press File → Open image folder and the select the full_data directory. The first image should pop up. Then you import the box files with File → Import box files and select in the boxfiles folder the EMAN directory.

Since version 1.3.0 crYOLO writes cbox files in a separate CBOX folder. You can import them into the box manager, change the threshold easily using the live preview and write the new box selection into new box files.

This example shows how to filter particle boxes using the cryolo boxmanager. It is an animated gif. Click on it to see it playing.
Right now, this filtering does not yet work for filaments.
pipeline/window/cryolo/visualize.1568449124.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/14 10:18 by twagner