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Masking : Mask creation tool for 2D or 3D masks.


Usage in command line  input_volume  output_directory  --prefix=PREFIX  --overwrite  --low_pass_filter_resolution=LOW_PASS_FILTER_RESOLUTION  --low_pass_filter_falloff=LOW_PASS_FILTER_FALLOFF  --pixel_size=PIXEL_SIZE  --threshold=THRESHOLD --nsigma=NSIGMA  --mol_mass=MOL_MASS  --ndilation=NDILATION  --nerosion=NEROSION  --edge_width=EDGE_WIDTH  --edge_type=EDGE_TYPE  --do_old --allow_disconnected  --fill_mask --second_mask=SECOND_MASK  --second_mask_shape=SECOND_MASK_SHAPE  --s_radius=S_RADIUS  --s_nx=S_NX  --s_ny=S_NY  --s_nz=S_NZ  --s_threshold=THRESHOLD --s_nsigma=NSIGMA  --s_mol_mass=MOL_MASS  --s_ndilation=NDILATION  --s_nerosion=NEROSION  --s_edge_width=EDGE_WIDTH  --s_edge_type=EDGE_TYPE  --s_do_old  --s_allow_disconnected  --s_invert=S_INVERT --s_fill_mask

Typical usage exists only in non-MPI version.

Create a binary mask dilated by 2 pixel using the binary threshold from chimera input_volume output_direcory --threshold=0.3 --edge_width=0 --ndilation=1

Create an adapted mask dilated by 2 pixel and a soft edge of 5 pixel using the binary threshold from chimera input_volume output_direcory --threshold=0.3 --edge_width=5 --ndilation=1

Create an adapted mask dilated by 2 pixel and a soft edge of 5 pixel using the binary threshold from chimera and masked by a soft edged cylinder to 80% (e.g. for helical reconstruction with a box size of 300) input_volume output_direcory --threshold=0.3 --edge_width=5 --ndilation=1 --second_mask_shape=cylinder --s_radius=40 --s_nx=240 --s_ny=240 --s_nz=240 --s_ndilation=1 --s_edge_width=5


Main Parameters

Input image
Path to the 2D image or 3D Volume (default required string)
Output directory
Output direcory path (default required string)
Output prefix
Prefix of the produced files (default sp_mask)
Overwrite outputs
Overwrite the output mask in case it exists already. (default False)
Use molecular mass
GUI OPTION ONLY - Define if one want to use the molecular mass option as a masking threshold. (default False)
--threshold==none --nsigma==none
Molecular mass [kDa]: The estimated molecular mass of the target particle in kilodalton. This is used to calculate the binarization threshold automatically. (default none)
Binarization threshold: Defines the threshold used in the first step of the processing to generate a binary version of the input structure. If the value is lower-equal than the default, the option will be ignored and the threshold will be set according to nsigma method above. (default none)
--nsigma==none --use_mol_mass==False
Density standard deviation threshold: Defines the threshold used in the first step of the processing to generate a binary version of the structure. The threshold is set to ⇐ mean + (nsigma x standard deviations). This option will not be used if the option threshold is none. (default none)
--threshold==none --use_mol_mass==False
Number of dilations
The pixel width to dilate the 3D binary volume corresponding to the specified molecular mass or density threshold prior to softening the edge. One circle of dilation will add about 2 pixels to the mask. (default 3)
Number of erosions
Number of times to erode binarized volume. One circle of erosion will remove about 2 pixels from the mask. (default 0)
Soft-edge width [Pixels]: The pixel width of transition area for soft-edged masking. If the width is 0, a binary mask is returned. (default 5)
Soft-edge type: The type of soft-edge. Available methods are (1) \'cosine\' for cosine soft-edged (used in PostRefiner) and (2) \'gaussian\' for gaussian soft-edge. (default cosine)
Allow disconnected regions
Allow disconnected region in the mask. (default False)
Fill mask
Fills empty spaces inside a map. (default True question reversed in GUI)

Advanced Parameters

Old behaviour
Restore the old masking behaviour, which is a bit less smooth. (default False)
Low pass filter resolution [A]
Low pass filter resolution in angstrom. If set, the volume will be filtered prior to create a mask. (default none)
Low pass filter falloff [1/Pixel]
Low pass filter falloff in absolute frequencies. If set, the volume will be filtered prior to create a mask. (default 0.01)
Pixel size [A/px]
Pixel size of the volume. Used for filtering. (default 1.0)
Use a second mask
ONLY A GUI OPTION. The second mask can be used to mask the first one after creation. This is useful to create soft edged regions of the mask. (default False)
Second mask path
Path to the second mask used for masking the mask. (default none)
--use_second_mask==True --second_mask_shape==none
Second mask shape
Shape of the second mask. Possible values: sphere, cylinder, cube. (default none)
--use_second_mask==True --second_mask==none
Second - Radius of the mask
The estimated molecular mass of the target particle in kilodalton. This is used to calculate the binarization threshold automatically. (default none)
--second_mask_shape!=none --second_mask_shape!=cube --use_second_mask==True
Second - X dimension of the mask
The estimated molecular mass of the target particle in kilodalton. This is used to calculate the binarization threshold automatically. (default none)
--second_mask_shape!=none --use_second_mask==True
Second - Y dimension of the mask
The estimated molecular mass of the target particle in kilodalton. This is used to calculate the binarization threshold automatically. (default none)
--second_mask_shape!=none --use_second_mask==True
Second - Z dimension of the mask
The estimated molecular mass of the target particle in kilodalton. This is used to calculate the binarization threshold automatically. (default none)
--second_mask_shape!=none --use_second_mask==True
Second - Use molecular mass
GUI OPTION ONLY - Define if one want to use the molecular mass option as a masking threshold. (default False)
--s_threshold==none --s_nsigma==none --use_second_mask==True --second_mask!=none ; –s_mol_mass : Second - Molecular mass [kDa] : The estimated molecular mass of the target particle in kilodalton. This is used to calculate the binarization threshold automatically. (default none) : –s_use_mol_mass==True –use_second_mask==True –second_mask!=none
Second - Binarization threshold: Defines the threshold used in the first step of the processing to generate a binary version of the input structure. If the value is lower-equal than the default, the option will be ignored and the threshold will be set according to nsigma method above. (default none)
--s_nsigma==none --s_use_mol_mass==False --use_second_mask==True --second_mask!=none ; –s_nsigma : Second - Density standard deviation threshold: Defines the threshold used in the first step of the processing to generate a binary version of the structure. The threshold is set to <= mean + (nsigma x standard deviations). This option will not be used if the option threshold is none. (default none) : –s_threshold==none –s_use_mol_mass==False –use_second_mask==True –second_mask!=none
Second - Number of dilations
The pixel width to dilate the 3D binary volume corresponding to the specified molecular mass or density threshold prior to softening the edge. One round of erosion will add about 2 pixels to the mask (default 3)
Second - Number of erosions
Number of times to erode binarized volume. One round of erosion will remove about 2 pixels from the mask (default 0)
Second - Soft-edge width [Pixels]: The pixel width of transition area for soft-edged masking.(default 5)
Second - Soft-edge type: The type of soft-edge for the 3D mask. Available methods are (1) \'cosine\' for cosine soft-edged (used in PostRefiner) and (2) \'gaussian\' for gaussian soft-edge. (default cosine)
--use_second_mask==True --s_edge_width!=0
Second - Old behaviour
Restore the old masking behaviour, which is a bit less smooth. (default False)
--use_second_mask==True --s_edge_width!=0
Second - Allow disconnected regions
Allow disconnected region in the mask. (default False)
Second - Fill mask
Fills empty spaces inside a map. (default True question reversed in GUI)
Second - Invert masking
If True, the mask will remove everything that is inside instead of leaving it. (default False)





Developer Notes

Author / Maintainer

Markus Stabrin





See also


Beta:: Under evaluation and testing. Please let us know if there are any bugs.


There are no known bugs so far.

pipeline/viper/sp_mask.1558457859.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/21 18:57 by shaikh