3D Clustering - RSORT3D: Sort out 3D heterogeneity of 2D data whose 3D reconstruction parameters (xform.projection) have been determined already using 3D sorting.
Usage in command line
sxrsort3d.py stack outdir mask --previous_run1=sort3d_run1_directory --previous_run2=sort3d_run2_directory --focus=3D_focus_mask --radius=outer_radius --delta=angular_step --CTF --sym=symmetry --number_of_images_per_group=images_per_group --nxinit=nxinit --smallest_group=smallest_group --chunkdir=chunkdir --ir=inner_radius --maxit=max_iter --rs=ring_step --xr=xr --yr=yr --ts=ts --an=angular_neighborhood --center=centring_method --nassign=nassign --nrefine=nrefine --stoprnct=stop_percent --function=user_function --independent=independent_runs --low_pass_filter=low_pass_filter --unaccounted --seed=random_seed --group_size_for_unaccounted=group_size_for_unaccounted --sausage --PWadjustment=PWadjustment --protein_shape=protein_shape --upscale=upscale --wn=wn --interpolation=method
sxrsort3d.py exists only in MPI version.
mpirun -np 192 sxrsort3d.py bdb:data rsort3d mask.hdf --previous_run1=sort3d1 --previous_run2=sort3d2 --radius=88 --maxit=25 --independent=3 --CTF --number_of_images_per_group=11000 --low_pass_filter=.20 --chunkdir=./ --sym=c4 --PWadjustment=pwrec.txt
sxrsort3d.py finds out stable members by carrying out two-way comparison of two independent sxsort3d.py runs.
For small tested datasets (real and simulated ribosome data around 10K particles), it gives 70%-90% reproducibility. However, this rate also depends on the choice of number of images per group and number of particles in the smallest group.
On lonestar cluster of TACC, using 264 cpus, it takes about 2 hours and 23 minutes to accomplish 95953 128×128 images for one sxsort3d.py independent run, 2 hours 24 minutes to accomplish one independent sxrsort3d.py run with number_of_images_per_group set as 30000.
K-means, equal K-means, reproducibility, two-way comparison.
Not published yet.
Zhong Huang
Alpha:: Under development.
There are no known bugs so far.