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pipeline:sort3d:sxlocres [2016/12/14 16:52]
pipeline:sort3d:sxlocres [2018/06/20 13:12]
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-===== sxsort3d ===== 
-3D Clustering - SORT3D: Sort 3D heterogeneity based on the reproducible members of K-means and Equal K-means classification. It runs after 3D refinement where the alignment parameters are determined. 
-===== Usage ===== 
-Usage in command line 
-  stack  outdir  mask  --focus=3Dmask  --ir=inner_radius  --radius=outer_radius  --maxit=max_iter  --rs=ring_step  --xr=xr  --yr=yr  --ts=ts  --delta=angular_step  --an=angular_neighborhood  --center=centring_method  --nassign=nassign  --nrefine=nrefine  --CTF  --stoprnct=stop_percent  --sym=c1  --function=user_function  --independent=indenpendent_runs  --number_of_images_per_group=number_of_images_per_group  --low_pass_filter=low_pass_filter  --nxinit=nxinit  --unaccounted  --seed=random_seed  --smallest_group=smallest_group  --sausage  --chunk0=CHUNK0_FILE_NAME  --chunk1=CHUNK1_FILE_NAME  --PWadjustment=PWadjustment  --protein_shape=protein_shape  --upscale=upscale  --wn=wn --interpolation=method 
-===== Typical usage ===== 
-sxsort3d exists only in MPI version. 
-  mpirun -np 176 --host n1,n5,n6,n8,n9,n10,n0,n4,n3,n7 bdb:data sort3d_outdir1 mask.hdf --focus=ribosome_focus.hdf --chunkdir=/data/n10/pawel/ribosome_frank/ri3/main013 --radius=52 --CTF --number_of_images_per_group=2000 --low_pass_filter=.125 --stoprnct=5  
-===== Input ===== 
-=== Main Parameters === 
-  ; stack : Input images stack: (default required string) 
-  ; mask : 3D mask: (default none)  
-  ; focus : Focus 3D mask: Mask used for focused clustering (default none) 
-  ; radius : Outer radius for rotational correlation [Pixels]: Must be smaller than half the box size. Please set to the radius of the particle. (default -1) 
-  ; delta : Angular step for projections: (default '2') 
-  ; CTF : Use CTF: Do a full CTF correction during the alignment. (default False)  
-  ; sym : Point-group symmetry: (default c1)  
-  ; number_of_images_per_group : Images per group: Critical number of images per group, defined by user. (default 1000)  
-  ; nxinit : Initial image size for sorting: (default 64) 
-  ; smallest_group : Smallest group size: Minimum members for identified group. (default 500)  
-  ; chunk0 : Chunk file name for 1st subset: Name of chunk file containing particle IDs of 1st subset (chunk0) for computing margin of error. (default none)  
-  ; chunk1 : Chunk file name for 2nd subset: Name of chunk file containing particle IDs of 2nd subset (chunk0) for computing margin of error. (default none)  
-=== Advanced Parameters === 
-  ; ir : Inner radius for rotational correlation [Pixels]: Must be bigger than 1. (default 1) 
-  ; maxit : Maximum iterations: (default 25) 
-  ; rs : Step between rings in rotational correlation: Must be bigger than 0. (default 1) 
-  ; xr : X search range [Pixels]: The translational search range in the x direction will take place in a +/xr range. (default 1) 
-  ; yr : Y search range [Pixels]: The translational search range in the y direction. If omitted it will be set as xr. (default -1) 
-  ; ts : Translational search step [Pixels]: The search will be performed in -xr, -xr+ts, 0, xr-ts, xr, can be fractional. (default 0.25) 
-  ; an : Local angular search width [Degrees]: This defines the neighbourhood where the local angular search will be performed. (default '-1') 
-  ; center : Centering method: 0 - if you do not want the volume to be centered, 1 - center the volume using the center of gravity. (default 0) 
-  ; nassign : Number of reassignment iterations: Performed for each angular step. (default 1) 
-  ; nrefine : Number of alignment iterations: Performed for each angular step. (default 0) 
-  ; stoprnct : Assignment convergence threshold [%]: Used to asses convergence of the run. It is the minimum percentage of assignment change required to stop the run.  (default 3.0)  
-  ; function : Reference preparation function: Function used to prepare the reference volume. (default do_volume_mrk02)  
-  ; independent : Number of independent runs: Number of independent equal-Kmeans(default 3)  
-  ; low_pass_filter : Low-pass filter frequency [1/Pixel]: Low-pass filter used for the 3D sorting on the original image size. (default -1.0) 
-  ; unaccounted : Reconstruct unaccounted images: (default False)  
-  ; seed : Seed: Seed used for the initial random assignment for EQ Kmeans. The program generates a random integer by default. (default -1)  
-  ; sausage : Use sausage filter: (default False)  
-  ; PWadjustment : Power spectrum reference: Text file containing a 1D reference power spectrum. (default none)  
-  ; protein_shape : Protein Shape: It defines protein preferred orientation angles. "g" is for globular proteins and "f" is for filament proteins. (default 'g') 
-  ; upscale : Power spectrum adjustment strength: This parameters adjusts how strongly the power spectrum of the volume should be modified to match the reference. A value of 1 brings the volume's power spectrum completely to the reference, while a value of 0 means no modification. (default 0.5)  
-  ; wn : Target image size [Pixels]: If different than 0, then the images will be rescaled to fit this size. (default 0)  
-  ; interpolation : 3D interpolation method: Method interpolation in 3D. Options are tr1 or 4nn. (default '4nn') 
-===== Output ===== 
-  ; outdir : Output directory: There is a log.txt that describes the sequences of computations in the program. (default required string) 
-===== Description ===== 
-The clustering algorithm in the program combines a couple of computational techniques, equal-Kmeans clustering, K-means clustering, and reproducibility of clustering such that it not only has a strong ability but also a high efficiency to sort out heterogeneity of cryo-EM images. The command is the protocol I {P1). In this protocol, the user defines the group size and thus defines the number of group K. Then the total data is randomly assigned into K group and an equal-size K-means (size restricted K-means) is carried out. N independent equal-Kmeans runs would give N partition of the K groups assignment. Then two-way comparison of these partitions gives the reproducible number of particles. 
-==== Method ==== 
-==== Reference ==== 
-==== Author / Maintainer ==== 
-Zhong Huang 
-==== Keywords ==== 
-Category 1:: APPLICATIONS 
-==== Files ==== 
-==== See also ==== 
-==== Maturity ==== 
-stable while under development:: Two programs (P1,P2) have been tested on both simulated and experimental ribosome data. For experimental ribosome data, P2 has a reproducible ratio-70-90%. P2 can 100%separate two conformations from the simulated ribosome data that contains 5 conformations.  
-==== Known Bugs ==== 
pipeline/sort3d/sxlocres.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/06/20 13:12 (external edit)