====== SPHIRE 1.4 / EMAN 2.9 ======
We are happy to announce the release of **SPHIRE 1.4**!
This release adds GUI support for GPU ISAC and makes SPHIRE fully compatible with [[https://transphire.readthedocs.io/|TranSPHIRE]], allowing you to [[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19513-2|create on-the-fly reconstructions during data acquisition]].
As usual, this release is a combined release of [[https://sphire.mpg.de/wiki/doku.php?id=start|SPHIRE]], [[https://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2|EMAN2]], and [[http://sparx-em.org/sparxwiki/Introduction|SPARX]].
===== What's new =====
The key additions to the [[http://sphire.mpg.de/|SPHIRE]] package in this update include:
* **SPHIRE:** The GUI now allows easy access to the SPHIRE [[pipeline:subtract:start|signal subtraction pipeline]] to be used after 3D refinement.
* **SPHIRE:** Easy access to mFSC (mask-independent, local resolution capable FSC) via the SPHIRE GUI ([[https://doi.org/10.1107/S2052252520011574|mFSC developed by Pawel Penczek]]).
* **SPHIRE:** [[gpu_isac|GPU ISAC]] can now be linked with and used from the SPHIRE GUI.
* **AutoSPHIRE:** Further improved processing of helical data in Helical Mode.
* **AutoSPHIRE:** Fully compatible and ready to be used with [[https://transphire.readthedocs.io/|TranSPHIRE]] to on-the-fly create initial reconstructions during data acquisition.
* **SPHIRE internal:** SPHIRE has been ported to Python 3.
* **SPHIRE internal:** A wide range of internal changes, including:
* multiple optimizations for improved runtime,
* multiple bug fixes for increased stability,
* multiple improvements for better results.
===== Documentation & Tutorial =====
* Find the [[http://sphire.mpg.de/wiki/doku.php|SPHIRE documentation]] here.
* Find the [[https://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/sphire/sphire_1_3_tutorial/sphire_1_3.pdf|SPHIRE tutorial (direct link to .pdf file)]] here. (The SPHIRE tutorial is a step-by-step walkthrough of processing a data set from beginning to end, including pre-processed data milestones.)
===== Download =====
The SPHIRE installer uses Anaconda, which installs independently of your choice of Linux distribution.
* [[https://cryoem.bcm.edu/cryoem/static/software/release-2.9/eman2.9_sphire1.4_sparx.linux64.sh| Linux installer]]
* [[https://cryoem.bcm.edu/cryoem/static/software/release-2.9/eman2.9_sphire1.4_sparx.MacOS.sh| Mac installer (experimental)]]
Find our additional SPHIRE tools here:
* **crYOLO** for picking ([[https://cryolo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|download]]).
* **Cinderella** for 2D class selection ([[http://sphire.mpg.de/wiki/doku.php?id=auto_2d_class_selection|download]]).
* **GPU ISAC** for 2D clustering ([[https://sphire.mpg.de/wiki/doku.php?id=gpu_isac|download]]).
* **Unblur** ships with ([[https://cistem.org/|cisTEM]]).
SPHIRE does not support Windows.
**TranSPHIRE for automatated preprocessing**
You can use TranSPHIRE to automate the cryo-EM pre-processing pipeline. When combined with AutoSPHIRE, you can also use TranSPHIRE to produce on-the-fly reconstructions during data acquisition ([[https://github.com/MPI-Dortmund/transphire|GitHub]], [[https://transphire.readthedocs.io/|documentation]]).
===== Installation instructions =====
Find the installation instructions here:
* [[https://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Install/BinaryInstallAnaconda/2.9|SPHIRE binary installation instructions]]
* [[https://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/COMPILE_EMAN2_ANACONDA|SPHIRE source code installation instructions]]
Older and newer versions:
* [[https://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Install|Installation instructions versions]]