~~NOTOC~~ ===== e2boxer ===== Particle Coordinates (NEW): Generate files containing particle coordinates for all input micrographs by picking particles manual and/or automatically. \\ ===== Usage ===== Usage in command line e2boxer.py input_micrograph_list --apix=PIXEL_SIZE --boxsize=BOX_SIZE --ptclsize=PARTICLE_DIAMETER --invert --no_ctf --gui --write_dbbox --allmicrographs --unboxedonly --write_ptcls --suffix=SUFFIX --voltage=VOLTAGE --cs=CS --ac=AMP_CONTRAST --autopick=MODE --threads=THREADS --ppid=PPID --verbose=LEVEL \\ ===== Typical usage ===== e2boxer exists in non-MPI version. \\ __Step 1__: Use this command to start e2boxer's GUI with a list of micrographs using the right settings. e2boxer.py CorrectedSums/corrsum_dose_filtered/*.mrc --apix=1.14 --boxsize=352 --invert --no_ctf --gui \\ __Step 2__: After user finished picking, run this command line to export .box files. e2boxer.py CorrectedSums/corrsum_dose_filtered/*.mrc --apix=1.14 --boxsize=352 --invert --no_ctf --write_dbbox \\ ===== Input ===== === Main Parameters === ; input_micrograph_list : Input micrograph list: Wild cards (e.g. *) can be used to specify a list of micrographs. Not recommended if their number is very large. (default required string) ; %%--%%apix : Pixel size [A]: Angstroms per pixel for all images. (default -1) ; %%--%%boxsize : Box size [Pixels]: Box size in pixels. (default -1) ; %%--%%ptclsize : Particle diameter [Pixels]: Longest axis of particle in pixels (diameter, not radius). (default -1) ; %%--%%invert : Invert input contrast: Preferably, particles should be brigt on a dark background. (default False) ; %%--%%no_ctf : Disable CTF estimation: Disable CTF estimation. (default False) ; %%--%%gui : Interactive GUI mode: Use interactive GUI mode. (default False) ; %%--%%write_dbbox : Export EMAN1 box files: Export EMAN1 box files (.box extension). (default False) \\ === Advanced Parameters === ; %%--%%unboxedonly : Include only unboxed micrographs: Only include image files without existing box locations. (default False) ; %%--%%write_ptcls : Save selected particle: Extract selected particles from micrographs and write to disk. (default False) ; %%--%%allmicrographs : Include all micrographs in a directory: Add all images from micrographs folder. (default False) ; %%--%%suffix : Micrograph suffix: Suffix of the micrographs used for particle picking (i.e. suffix=goodali will use micrographs end with _goodali.hdf). It is only useful when --allmicrographs option is True. (default none): %%--%%allmicrographs==True ; %%--%%voltage : Microscope voltage [kV]: The acceleration voltage of microscope used for imaging. (default -1) ; %%--%%cs : Microscope spherical aberration (Cs) [mm]: The spherical aberration (Cs) of microscope used for imaging. (default -1) ; %%--%%ac : Amplitude contrast [%]: The typical amplitude contrast is in the range of 7% - 14%. The value mainly depends on the thickness of the ice embedding the particles. (default 10.0) ; %%--%%autopick : Perform automatic particle picking: Provide mode and parameter string (eg - auto_local:threshold=5.5). (default none) ; %%--%%threads : Number of threads: Number of threads to run in parallel on a single computer. (default 4) ; %%--%%ppid : Parent process PID: Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID. (default -1) ; %%--%%verbose : Use verbose mode: Specify verbose level [0-9]. Higner number means higher level of verboseness. (default 0) \\ ===== Output ===== \\ ===== Description ===== \\ ==== Method ==== \\ ==== Reference ==== \\ ==== Developer Notes ==== \\ ==== Author / Maintainer ==== EMAN2 Group \\ ==== Keywords ==== Category 1:: APPLICATIONS \\ ==== Files ==== programs/e2boxer.py \\ ==== See also ==== [[http://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/convnet_pickparticle|Particle Picking with Convolution Neural Network]] \\ ==== Maturity ==== Beta:: Under development \\ ==== Bugs ====