===== SORT3D ===== === Commands === ; [[pipeline:utilities:sxheader|Import Projection Parameters]] : Import projection parameters from a file to image header. ; [[sx3dvariability|3D Variability Preprocess]] : Prepare your symmetric particles for variability calculations. ; [[sx3dvariability|3D Variability Estimation]] : Calculate the 3D variability within your reconstruction. ; [[sxsort3d_depth|3D Clustering from Iteration - SORT3D_DEPTH]] : Find 3D clusters within your data set by checking reproducible members using a MERIDIEN iteration. ; [[pipeline:utilities:e2bdb|SORT3D_DEPTH Stack Subset]] : Create virtual subset stack consisting from particles belong to a SORT3D_DEPTH cluster. ; [[pipeline:meridien:sxmeridien|Local Refinement from Stack]] : Perform local refinement from the stack with user-provided orientation parameters.\\ \\ ; [[pipeline:utilities:sxprocess|PostRefiner]] : Combine unfiltered halfset volumes, then enhance the power spectrum. \\ === Alternatives === ; [[sxsort3d_depth|3D Clustering from Stack - SORT3D_DEPTH]] : Find 3D clusters within your data set by checking reproducible members using a stack with user-provided orientation parameters. ; [[pipeline:utilities:sxprocess|PostRefiner (single map)]] : Post-refine a single map by enhancing the high frequencies (Single Map Mode) ; [[pipeline:meridien:sxmeridien|Final 3D Reconstruction Only]] : Do only final 3D reconstruction using a fully finished 3D refinement iteration.\\ \\ \\ === Utilities === ; [[pipeline:utilities:e2display|Display Data]] : Displays images, volumes, or 1D plots. ; [[pipeline:utilities:sxpipe_moon_eliminator|Volume Adjustment]] : Resamples, clips, and removes disconnected regions from a 3D map. It optionally creates a mask from the resulting volume. ; [[pipeline:viper:sp_mask|Masking]] : Mask creation tool for 2D or 3D masks ; [[pipeline:utilities:sxprocess|Angular Distribution]] : Creates a .bild file to display the particle orientation distribution in Chimera. ; [[pipeline:utilities:sp_batch|Batch Pipeline Execution]] : Run jobs that wait with the execution on each other