=== Testing the release candidate for 1.4.1 ===
* Downgrade the dependencies to tensorflow 1.10.1 and numpy 1.14.5 as some users reported long initialization times. (Thanks to Shaun Rawson)
* The initialization weights are not longer shipped with the package and downloaded on-the-fly (because they are big and pypi does not allow such big packages)
* crYOLO is installed through pypi
* crYOLO box manager is installed through pypi and automatically shipped with the crYOLO package
* Fix fine-tune mode (Thanks to Antoine Koehl)
* Fixed normalization function for YOLO backend (Thanks to Wolfgang Lugmayr)
As the dependencies changed again, I recommend to use a fresh environmen:
conda env remove --name cryolo
After that, create a new virtual environment:
conda create -n cryolo -c anaconda python=3.6 pyqt=5 cudnn=7.1.2 cython
Activate the environment:
source activate cryolo
Install fast numpy from conda:
conda install numpy==1.14.5
In case you run **crYOLO on a GPU** run:
pip install 'cryolo[gpu]==1.4.1rc3'
But if you want to run **crYOLO on a CPU** run:
pip install 'cryolo[cpu]==1.4.1rc3'
During the installtion of crYOLO you will see the following error message:
''ERROR: imagecodecs-lite 2019.2.22 has requirement numpy>=1.15.4, but you'll have numpy 1.14.5 which is incompatible.''
However, you can ignore it. It is actually also working with numpy==1.14.5
**Thats it**