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pipeline:meridien:sp_polishing [2021/03/16 10:29]
aali [Output]
pipeline:meridien:sp_polishing [2021/03/16 10:44] (current)
aali [Usage]
Line 3: Line 3:
 ===== sp_polishing ===== ===== sp_polishing =====
-Bayesian : Apply Relion Bayesian Polishing on SPHIRE generated stack.+Bayesian Polishing : Apply Relion Bayesian Polishing on SPHIRE generated stack.
 ===== Usage ===== ===== Usage =====
Line 10: Line 10:
 <code> <code> post_refine_folder motioncorr_starfile output_folder training_params first_frame + post_refine_folder motioncorr_starfile output_folder training_params --first_frame --last_frame --bfac_minfreq --bfac_maxfreq --min_no_particles --submission_template --submission_command --relion_mpirun_executable --relion_polishing_executable --mpi_procs --no_of_threads --mrc_reloc_folder
-last_frame bfac_minfreq bfac_maxfreq min_no_particles submission_template submission_command +
-relion_mpirun_executable relion_polishing_executable mpi_procs no_of_threads mrc_reloc_folder+
 </code> </code>
Line 58: Line 56:
 ===== Output ===== ===== Output ===== : Output star file for polishing particles. +  ; : Output star file for polishing particles. 
-; bdb:polished_stack : : Polished particles stack. +  ; bdb:polished_stack : : Polished particles stack. 
-BDB2STAR : Using sphire2relion tool , the bdb stack is converted to star file so that it can be used in relion. The star file is saved in BDB2STAR folder. +  ; BDB2STAR : Using sphire2relion tool , the bdb stack is converted to star file so that it can be used in relion. The star file is saved in BDB2STAR folder. 
-PostProcess : Since the input to the tool is Post refiner directory, the tool can automatically create the necessary file in PostProcess folder which is necessary to provide for polishing.+  ; PostProcess : Since the input to the tool is Post refiner directory, the tool can automatically create the necessary file in PostProcess folder which is necessary to provide for polishing.
 =====   ===== =====   =====
pipeline/meridien/sp_polishing.1615886956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/16 10:29 by aali